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Men's Health Specialist

Personal Touch Medical Center

Family Physician located in Fairburn, GA

Men sometimes overlook their health by making risky lifestyle choices or skipping physical exams and screenings. At Personal Touch Medical Center in Fairburn, Georgia, Latasha Burgess, MD, and the team can help you prioritize your health with annual physical exams, prostate cancer screenings, and other male-centered services. To book a men’s health appointment, call the office, or use the online reservation tool today.

Mens Health Q & A

What is men’s health?

Men’s health focuses on the conditions that affect men either exclusively or at higher rates than women. At Personal Touch Medical Center, the team provides men’s health visits to help you better understand your physical and mental health and wellness. They can help you address your risk factors for certain diseases and make healthy lifestyle changes to improve your overall health.

Generally, men are at a higher risk of getting:

  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Depression

In general, men are more likely than women to engage in risky behaviors and forgo doctor’s visits when they get symptoms. The team at Personal Touch Medical Center teaches you to prioritize your health to prevent illnesses and manage any conditions that you already have.

Which conditions affect men specifically?

In addition to the many diseases and conditions that affect men disproportionately, there are also a few that do not affect women at all. Your risk of getting conditions like these increases as you age. The team at Personal Touch Medical Center specializes in diagnosing and managing men’s conditions like:

Low testosterone

Testosterone is the male sex hormone that influences many processes, including your sex drive and muscle development. Having low testosterone can cause symptoms like hair loss, fatigue, erectile dysfunction, and low muscle mass.

Erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is a complication that affects many men as they age. It occurs when you can’t form or maintain an erection.

Prostate complications

Your prostate is a gland that helps create seminal fluid. As you age, your risk for prostatitis, prostate cancer, and other complications increases. That’s why it’s important to add prostate exams to your preventive care routine.

What is a prostate exam?

To monitor your prostate gland’s health, the team at Personal Touch Medical Center performs regular prostate exams starting when you turn 50.

For your prostate exam, the team uses a digital rectal examination (DRE) method. Using a gloved hand, they press on your prostate gland through your rectum. On the other hand, they press on your pelvic area.

From this exam, the team can tell you if your prostate is the right shape and size. This exam can help screen for prostate cancer or let your doctor know if your prostate is inflamed or infected.

To learn more about men’s health or schedule a prostate exam, call Personal Touch Medical Center, or reserve an appointment online today.